Article 1 General
1. These terms and conditions apply for each listing, quote, and correspondence between Chrisel ReelTechnics and the costumer to which Chrisel ReelTechnics these terms and conditions were applied, unless these conditions were not applied to sufficiently.
2. The present conditions shall also apply to agreements with Chrisel ReelTechnics, for the implementation of which a third-party should be involved
3. Any derogation from these general terms and conditions are valid only if explicitly agreed in writing.
Article 2 Relating to the products and the creation of the agreement
1. Products that are offered by Chrisel ReelTechnics shall be clearly and accurately described as truth full as possible, but the design, and color of the products may vary slightly from the image shown. In addition, the products are listed at their prices, but their prices are subject to any type of errors. During the ordering it is clearly marked towards the costumer what he/she is obliged and what his/her rights and obligations are when purchasing from Chrisel ReelTechnics.
2. All prices exclude shipping and handling charges.
Article 3 Prices and payments.
1 The pricing for the products and services are offered on the Web site is in euro and exclusive of shipping and handling charges, unless stated otherwise or agreed to in writing.
2 Payment can be done by prepayment through one of the modes indicated during the ordering process. Further (payment-/order) conditions can be added to your order. In the case of payment by bank payment date will be the date of your final value fee of Chrisel ReelTechnics bank account.
3 When a term of payment is agreed on, it must be carried out without any discount or compensation within fourteen (14) days of the invoice date, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
4 When exceeding the term of payment you will be considered absent from the day on which payment was to take place, and you are from that day obliged to a delay interest rate of 1% per month or part of a month on the outstanding amount. If payment is made after warning by Chrisel ReelTechnics you are obliged to pay an amount of 25 euro’s (€ 25.00) due to administrative costs, and if its application to Chrisel ReelTechnics collection is contracted out, you are also obliged to pay the collection charge, which at least fifteen percent (15%) of the outstanding amount, without prejudice to the competence of Chrisel ReelTechnics in the actual extrajudicial costs of collection.
5 If you're in the absence of any payment, Chrisel ReelTechnics is entitled to suspend (the implementation of) the relevant agreement and related agreements, or even dissolve.
6 If the prices for the offered products and services are to increase in the period between the order and its implementation, you are entitled to cancel the order or to dissolve this agreement within ten (10) days after notice of the increase of price by Chrisel ReelTechnics.
Article 4 Delivery
1. Chrisel ReelTechnics, will take the greatest possible care to the implementation of the orders.
2. Chrisel ReelTechnics aims for their products to deliver as efficiently as possible. Delay in the delivery times of Chrisel ReelTechnics never gives the customer the right to compensation, termination of the agreement or to refuse the declaration. Chrisel ReelTechnics reserves the right not to carry out orders or at a later time.
3. If the customer refuses the declaration or is negligent with the provision of information or instructions necessary for the delivery, the delivery items are stored for risk of the customer after Chrisel ReelTechnics notified it to him or her. The customer will in this case be obliged to any additional charges.
4.If Chrisel ReelTechnics requires data from the customer in the context of implementation of the agreement, to the delivery time shall begin after the customer has provided this data to Chrisel ReelTechnics.
5.When Chrisel ReelTechnics has set a time limit for delivery, it is indicative. A specified delivery time is never a fatal period. However, the final delivery time will never exceed the specified delivery time with more than one week, unless there is a case of force majeure. If the time limit is exceeded, the customer is to report this to Chrisel ReelTechnics.
Article 5 Shipping
1. Recognize that all prices are exclusive of e-commerce in the shipping and handling. Also note that all prices come from the catalogs of our vendor’s advisory sales prices excluding shipping and handling.
2. Shipping costs will be clearly indicated on the Web store, and on the digital proforma note that the customer must accept before an order can be continued.
3. If the order amount is €500 or more within the Netherlands, you are no longer obliged to pay shipping costs, except pallet delivery.
4. Chrisel ReelTechnics bears the risk of damage or losing products during shipment to the customer. After the items have been received by the customer, the risk will be transferred to the customer.
Article 6 Returning
1. To the offered products is a period of 7 days in sight. This means that the customer has the right to return the product without any obligations, provided that the products are undamaged and in its original packaging.
2. Upon receipt and approval by Chrisel ReelTechnics, the payment by the customer in such a situation shall be refunded within 30 days. All costs for the shipment shall be borne by the customer.
3. The right to return disappears during actions, and special offers of Chrisel ReelTechnics. This right also disappears to orders with multiple identical items from the same product category.
Article 7 guarantee
1.Chrisel FluidTechnics warranty is for 12 months as of the invoice date.
2. Chrisel ReelTechnics represents and warrants that the deliverables meet the usual requirements and standards that can be made and to be free of any defects.
3. If defects in products appear during normal and judicious use, Chrisel ReelTechnics will replace the current or offer reparation, if at the written request of the customer and it lies within the warranty.
4. The on the invoice or packing slip update date is listed as a start date for the warranty period.
5. The guarantee shall not apply where the failure occurred as a result of improper or inappropriate use, or when, without written permission of Chrisel ReelTechnics, the customer or third parties make changes to the case or have used it for the purposes for which it is not to be used.
6. If the matter does not correspond with what was agreed, and it is not a lack of conformity within the meaning of the order of product liability, Chrisel ReelTechnics will not be liable for consequential damages as result.
Article 8 Examination, advertising
1. The customer is to examine the delivery at the time of delivery, or at least, within the shortest notice. The customer is to examine the quality and quantity of the deliveries that are in line with what has been agreed on, whether it at least meets the requirements laid down in the normal trade.
2. Any visible deficits within five (5) days after delivery are to be reported to Chrisel ReelTechnics in writing, with simultaneous delivery of the warranty (if applicable), and the lack of case, unless this is impossible or unreasonable scathing.
3. Any not visible deficits within eight (8) days after delivery, but not later than within the factory warranty are to be reported to Chrisel ReelTechnics with the provisions of the last paragraph of this article. After expiration of the factory warranty, Chrisel ReelTechnics is entitled to charge all the costs for the repair or replacement, including administration, shipping and handling.
Article 9 Liability
1. Chrisel ReelTechnics is never liable for damage caused by the customer or a third party through the use of an article provided by Chrisel ReelTechnics. Direct and indirect damage caused that is caused by the inability to use an article are not on Chrisel ReelTechnics. Chrisel ReelTechnics will also never be liable for any physical or mental injury to the customer or of third parties arising from the use of products supplied by Chrisel ReelTechnics.
2. When the producer of a bad product is liable for consequential damages, the liability of Chrisel ReelTechnics is limited to reparation or replacement of the case, or a maximum of the invoice value of the delivered products.
3. Without prejudice to the above, Chrisel ReelTechnics will not be liable if the damage is due to on purpose and/or serious negligence and/or culpable act, or improper or inappropriate use of the customer.
Article 10 Suspension and cancellation
1. Chrisel ReelTechnics is in right to suspend the fulfillment of the obligations or dissolve the contract if:
-the customer's does not fully comply with the obligations and agreements.
-after the conclusion of the agreement Chrisel ReelTechnics is permitted to, in case there are good grounds to fear that the customer will not comply with the obligations, in the event that there is good reason to fear that the customer will comply only partially, or not properly, suspend the agreements in so far as to justify the failure to her.
-the customer in the conclusion of the agreement called for the security for the payment as obligation under the agreement, and there is an absence of sufficient security.
2. Chrisel ReelTechnics is also empowered to dissolve the agreements in the event of circumstances which are of such a nature that it is impossible to comply with the agreement to the standards of reasonableness and equity, or if other circumstances which are of such a nature that the unaltered continuation of the agreement should not be reasonably expected.
Article 11, applicable law and competent court
1 On all of the rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these conditions are met, as well as these terms and conditions, only Dutch law applies.
2 All disputes between the Parties shall exclusively be brought to the competent court in the Netherlands.
Artikel 12 Privacy
Chrisel ReelTechnics is verantwoordelijk voor de verwerking van persoonsgegevens zoals weergegeven in deze privacyverklaring.
Chrisel ReelTechnics
Standerdmolen 3
2964HM Groot-Ammers
Ellen Hak is de Functionaris Gegevensbescherming van Chrisel ReelTechnics. Zij is te bereiken via
Persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken:
Chrisel ReelTechnics verwerkt uw persoonsgegevens doordat u gebruik maakt van onze diensten en/of omdat u deze zelf aan ons verstrekt.
Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken:
- Voor- en achternaam
- Adresgegevens
- Telefoonnummer
- E-mailadres
- IP-adres
- Overige persoonsgegevens die u actief verstrekt bijvoorbeeld door een profiel op deze website aan te maken, in correspondentie en telefonisch
- Locatiegegevens
- Gegevens over uw activiteiten op onze website
- Internetbrowser en apparaat type
- Bankrekeningnummer
Bijzondere en/of gevoelige persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken:
Onze website en/of dienst heeft niet de intentie gegevens te verzamelen over websitebezoekers die jonger zijn dan 16 jaar. Tenzij ze toestemming hebben van ouders of voogd. We kunnen echter niet controleren of een bezoeker ouder dan 16 is. Wij raden ouders dan ook aan betrokken te zijn bij de online activiteiten van hun kinderen, om zo te voorkomen dat er gegevens over kinderen verzameld worden zonder ouderlijke toestemming. Als u er van overtuigd bent dat wij zonder die toestemming persoonlijke gegevens hebben verzameld over een minderjarige, neem dan contact met ons op via, dan verwijderen wij deze informatie.
Chrisel ReelTechnics verwerkt uw persoonsgegevens voor de volgende doelen:
- Het afhandelen van uw betaling
- Verzenden van onze nieuwsbrief en/of reclamefolder
- U te kunnen bellen of e-mailen indien dit nodig is om onze dienstverlening uit te kunnen voeren
- U te informeren over wijzigingen van onze diensten en producten
- U de mogelijkheid te bieden een account aan te maken
- Om goederen en diensten bij u af te leveren
Hoe lang we persoonsgegevens bewaren:
Chrisel ReelTechnics bewaart uw persoonsgegevens niet langer dan strikt nodig is om de doelen te realiseren waarvoor uw gegevens worden verzameld. Wij hanteren de volgende bewaartermijnen voor de volgende (categorieën) van persoonsgegevens:
- gedurende de looptijd van de overeenkomst;
- ten behoeve van de financiële administratie: tot maximaal 7 jaar na het einde van de overeenkomst;
- verder zolang de wet of beroepsregels ons verplichten deze gegevens te bewaren.
Delen van persoonsgegevens met derden:
Chrisel ReelTechnics verkoopt uw gegevens niet aan derden en verstrekt deze uitsluitend indien dit nodig is voor de uitvoering van onze overeenkomst met u of om te voldoen aan een wettelijke verplichting. Met bedrijven die uw gegevens verwerken in onze opdracht, sluiten wij een bewerkersovereenkomst om te zorgen voor eenzelfde niveau van beveiliging en vertrouwelijkheid van uw gegevens. Chrisel ReelTechnics blijft verantwoordelijk voor deze verwerkingen.
Cookies, of vergelijkbare technieken, die wij gebruiken:
Chrisel ReelTechnics gebruikt alleen technische, functionele cookies en analytische cookies die geen inbreuk maken op uw privacy. Een cookie is een klein tekstbestand dat bij het eerste bezoek aan deze website wordt opgeslagen op uw computer, tablet of smartphone. De cookies die wij gebruiken zijn noodzakelijk voor de technische werking van de website en uw gebruiksgemak. Ze zorgen ervoor dat de website naar behoren werkt en onthouden bijvoorbeeld uw voorkeursinstellingen. Ook kunnen wij hiermee onze website optimaliseren. U kunt zich afmelden voor cookies door uw internetbrowser zo in te stellen dat deze geen cookies meer opslaat. Daarnaast kunt u ook alle informatie die eerder is opgeslagen via de instellingen van uw browser verwijderen.
Gegevens inzien, aanpassen of verwijderen:
U heeft het recht om uw persoonsgegevens in te zien, te corrigeren of te verwijderen. Daarnaast heeft u het recht om uw eventuele toestemming voor de gegevensverwerking in te trekken of bezwaar te maken tegen de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens door Chrisel ReelTechnics en heeft u het recht op gegevensoverdraagbaarheid. Dat betekent dat u bij ons een verzoek kunt indienen om de persoonsgegevens die wij van u beschikken in een computerbestand naar u of een ander, door u genoemde organisatie, te sturen.
U kunt een verzoek tot inzage, correctie, verwijdering, gegevensoverdraging van uw persoonsgegevens of verzoek tot intrekking van uw toestemming of bezwaar op de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens sturen naar
Chrisel ReelTechnics wil u er tevens op wijzen dat u de mogelijkheid heeft om een klacht in te dienen bij de nationale toezichthouder, de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. Dat kan via de volgende link:
Hoe wij persoonsgegevens beveiligen:
Chrisel ReelTechnics neemt de bescherming van uw gegevens serieus en neemt passende maatregelen om misbruik, verlies, onbevoegde toegang, ongewenste openbaarmaking en ongeoorloofde wijziging tegen te gaan. Als u de indruk heeft dat uw gegevens niet goed beveiligd zijn of er aanwijzingen zijn van misbruik, neem dan contact op via